Commune police chief arrested over wife’s fatal shooting


Buth Reaksmey Kongkea 

A commune police chief was arrested last night after he shot one of his two wives to death while drunk in a fit of jealous rage in Preah Veng province’s Sithor Kandal district.

The murder took place at about 8:30pm in Sithor Kandal district’s Phnov I commune.

 District police deputy chief Lieutenant Colonel Lun Samnang identified the suspect as Major Mao Sovannhong, 53, the Phnov I commune police chief and the victim as Sok Muoy, 51, a farmer. 

 Lt Col Samnang said that on the night of murder, Maj Sovannhong and his wife participated in his friend’s daughter’s birthday party in the village. 

He said that after he became drunk and while returning back home, the suspect got into an argument with the victim and alleged that she had contacted a young man at the party. 

Lt Col Samnang noted that during the argument, the suspect withdrew a pistol from his waist and fired four shots at her head, causing her to die at the scene. 

 “He was arrested immediately by police at the place,” he said. 

 He said the suspect is accused of “murder” and faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted. 

He added that the suspect now is still being questioned at the provincial police headquarters and will be sent to court tomorrow.



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