Public projects to empower poor: state

By Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Secretary of State and Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan said yesterday that the government on Friday approved 447 planning projects, aimed at accelerating social development and progress in Cambodia, to be implemented over the next three years through 2013.

“The Council of Ministers has approved 447 planning projects rolling out over three years including 183 projects requiring a total of almost US$2.7 billion which are under implementation, and another 264 national strategic development planning projects,” said Phay Siphan.

“These projects are very important because they are prioritized projects aimed at providing for the long-term interests and social safety nets for the poor who mostly live in rural areas in Cambodia.”

He added that the main purpose behind the approved projects was to empower people through healthcare, sustainable development, economic growth and the strengthening of Cambodia’s economic base.

The projects were jointly prepared by the Ministry of Planning in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Supreme National Economic Council, and the Cambodian Development and Rehabilitation Committee, and are jointly financed by the Cambodian government and donor partners.

Their primary focus is infrastructure, including roads, bridges, schools, health centres and irrigation.

In June, donors pledged a record US$1.1 billion to Cambodia for the upcoming 18-month period.

Phay Siphan said he was unsure about the amount of the government’s financial contribution.


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