Cambodia To Send Golfers to Attend the Golf Friendship Tournament in Vietnam


The Senior Minister H.E. Dr. Cham Prasidh, Minister of Commerce, said that Cambodia will send 150 golfers to participate the Golf Friendship Tournament 2010 which will be held on the 8th of December 2010 in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. There are about 600 golfers from Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam will attend this golf competition.

He added that the golf friendship tournament is jointly organized by Cambodia’s Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Tourism, Vietnam’s Ministry of Trade and Tourism, and Laotian Ministry of Commerce in aiming at raising the money to assist the poor people and promote the tourists in the three countries.

“It marks the second time as Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos will jointly organize the golf friendship tournament in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The purpose of the competition is to raise the money for helping the poor people especially those who are affected by national disasters, bloods, storm and HIV/AIDS,” he told reporters at a press conference on September 10th at the Ministry of Commerce Head Office in Phnom Penh.

He pointed out that another objective of the golf competition is also to promote tourists as well as business and investments opportunities in the three countries in the future. He added that last year’s golf event, the event has attracted many national and international visitors participating and with this, the organizers had collected about US$ 700,000 for the use of humanitarian assistance in the country.

“I call on people especially business people, traders and investors to help contribute their money for the upcoming event so that the organizers can use these money in rescuing and supporting those who are affected by national disasters, bloods, storm and HIV/AIDS,” he said.


Anonymous said…
❤ 】move★taeyang™ ❤chanda Kty】move★da™ ❤:
❤ 】move★taeyang™ ❤chanda Kty】move★da™ ❤:

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