Police Received Training on ID Card Production Equipment


The General Commissariats of the National Police in the Ministry of Interior has closed a training course on ID Cards Production equipment for personnel police. The course was conducted for two months from June 2nd to August 6th, 2010 in Phnom Penh.

The training course was financially supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). A total of 76 police officer ID cards, who were selected from 24 municipalities and provinces, had attended the ID Cards Production Training in order to learn about the new information technology and ID card production equipment.

Lieutenant Gen. Yun Chhunny, Deputy Police Commissioner of the General Commissariats of National Police in Ministry of Interior, said that this marked the second time that UNDP has provided its supports to the Cambodia Identity card program contributing to the strengthening of democracy and electoral processes in Cambodia.

The support also contributes to the human capacity, particularly to police officers in equipping themselves with modern technology.

Gen. Yun Chhunny added that identity card is an essential document that can be used for several purposes including in daily life, to elect their representative through elections and also to contribute to strengthening democracy in Cambodia.

“I would like to take this opportunity to urge all police to apply effective knowledge gained in conjunction with respect to code of conducts that officers have to follow in order to receive support from the citizen. Furthermore, after receiving this equipment, please take care and use it according to its proper technically,” he said during his closing remarks on August 10th after they graduated for four days in Phnom Penh.

Gen. Chhunny added that on behalf as General Commissioner of the National Police, he would like to express his profound thanks to UNDP, development partners, colleagues who were in charge of the providing support to this information technology training course and procuring the equipment for ID Cards production.

“I am pleased to inform that we will distribute these to all provincial and municipal police commissariats to be used for ID card production in order to contribute to strengthening democracy in Cambodia,” he said. “We hope that we get more assistance in the future,” he added.

Elena Tischenko, UNDP Country Director, said that UNDP’s support to the Cambodian National ID Program is part of a broader effort to strengthen democratic reform and electoral processes in the country through technical assistance and capacity developments.

Elena Tischenko continued to say that for many years, UNDP has been closely involved in electoral support program including assisting Cambodia to conduct elections and adhere to the international standards of inclusive democratic processes.

“The nature of our partnership has evolved from event-related electoral assistance to strengthen capacities, mechanisms, and instruments in between the ballots. It is in this context that UNDP-support project, strengthening democracy and electoral processes in Cambodia, is seeking to assist Cambodia,” she said.

She added that in achieving the following broader objectives: the evolution of democratic values, increased and improved access to information, empowering citizens to exercise their civic rights and understanding their obligation and responsibilities as stated in the Cambodian Constitution, and promoting dialogue between the government, political parties and civil society to foster greater political tolerance.

In 2000, the Royal Government of Cambodia launched its national ID cards program with the aim of providing all Cambodians with a legal identity documents which could be used for various purposes including business transactions, employment contracts, voting in elections and so forth. These ID cards have been issued for the 10 years, she said.

According to the Ministry of Interior’s statistics, several million ID cards will either expire or due to be issued for the first time to Cambodians aged 15 or older during the period of 2010-2013. The estimates for the year 2010 alone show that more than 2 million ID cards need to be renewed/ issued, with an additional 5 million to follow for the period 2011-2013.

“To respond to the need of renewal and issuance of so many identity cards to Cambodian citizens, the Ministry of Interior, together with its partners, have carried out extensive planning and preparations,” she said. “This includes strengthening IT capacities of Ministry of Interior through the information technology training program. The new computer-based ID card application system incorporates the latest in technology and it is essential that operators are equipped that operated with the rights skill to use in the filed.”

She continued to say that the national ID cards is an important legal document that can be used by all Cambodians for a variety of administrative purpose including employment or unemployment benefits, health care support, education, taxation purposes and voter registration.


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