CCIM Provided Training for Local Journalists


Forty local journalists from newspapers, online newspapers and radios from different media organization have attended a training course on “Media and Accountability” from the 27th to the 28th of July in Koh Kong province in order to build and strengthen their capacity on journalism and code of conduct in Cambodia.

The media and accountability training course was organized by the Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCiM) and funded by European Union (EU) and British Embassy to Cambodia and taught by Professor Kavy Chongkittavorn who is a Thai veteran and long- experienced journalist working in Asia.

Mr. Pa Nguon Teang, Director of CCiM, said that it marked the third time as CCiM has organized the journalism training for the local journalists in Cambodia. He stated that the purpose of the training was to promote and strengthen the capacity, professional journalism and media skills for the journalists in Cambodia.

“This training is very important for our journalists because it would help them to build up and strengthen their capacity and professional journalism so they can write and report accurate and fair information for Cambodians. It will also help them to perform their roles efficiently contributing to promote good government and democracy in the country” he told The Southeast Asia Weekly during a personal interview in Koh Kong province.

CCiM recently conducted two journalism trainings for local journalists. The two training courses included the Role of Media on Democratic Governance and Investigative Journalism and took place in Siem Reap and Sihanouk provinces, he said, adding that currently Cambodian journalists’ capacity and media knowledge is under limit and they did not knowledge worldwide about the international media contexts. Therefore, they should be trained and increase their journalism so that they can link their reports from their country to other countries in SAEN as well as in regions and the world.

“To promote and strengthen Cambodian journalists’ capacity and professional journalism, my organization will continue to organize these kinds of trainings for local journalism in the future,” he said.

He added that CCiM is an independent media organization working in Cambodia, and was established in 2007 aiming to strengthen journalists’ capacity, professional journalism and respect of code of conduct to report accurate and fair information for people, and contributing to the practice of democracy, rule of law, and the progress in Cambodia.

Kim Chansaly, Reporter of the Rasmei Kampuchea Newsapaper, based in Koh Kong who has attended the “Media and Accountability”, said that he was very pleased to participate in the training conducted by the CCiM. He added that he has been working as reporter with Rasmei Kampuchea Newspaper for over 15 years in Cambodia.

“I am happy and it is my first time to participate in CCiM’s training course in Koh Kong province. I think that this training is very important because it has helped me to learn about the journalism and code of conduct. I commit that I will use these skills for my daily works in future,” he told The Southeast Asia Weekly during an interview.


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