Cambodia Estalished National Tennis Training Centre


With financial support from the Cambodian Country Club (CCC) and EZECOM, the Tennis Federation of Cambodia (TFC), has established the Cambodian National Tennis Training Centre (CNTTC) on June 18th at the CCC in Phnom Penh.

The purpose of the CNTTC establishment is to promote the playing tennis sport as well as to develop tennis and encourage people to play tennis in order that they can become the best player in tennis in order to attend both national and international tennis tournaments in the future.

H.E. Dr. Cham Prasidh, Senior Minister and Minister of Commerce, and President of the Cambodian Tennis Federation, said that the establishment of CNTTC centre was important because it will become a resource and sport centre for people to play tennis in order that they can enjoy the sport and improve their health, and promote the development of sport in Cambodia.

“When we started the Tennis Federation in Cambodia was just trying to review the sport not the event, thinking of having a tennis center establishment in Cambodia, and we now have the training centre in Phnom Penh. Thus, the establishment of the CNTTC has marked the progress of TFC in promoting and developing tennis,” he said. “We believe that with the establishment of the new national sports training centre will be able to promote and develop the playing tennis as a sport in the Cambodian future,” he said during opening remarks delivered to the opening ceremony of the CNTTC in Phnom Penh,” he added.

H.E. Dr. Cham Prasidh stated that due to the hard work of the Tennis Federation of Cambodia, currently the federation has been conducting tennis training for over 2500 kids in Cambodia. He added that to encourage and promote children and youths to enjoy playing tennis, TFC plans to enlarge and establish the mini-tennis courts at every primary school, and conduct the tennis training at every high school in cities and provinces across the country in the future.

Tep Rithyvit, Secretary General of the Tennis Federation of Cambodia, said that in current years, with financial support from the International Tennis Federation, the Tennis Federation of Cambodia has conducted tennis training for children in a total of 45 primary schools in Cambodia.
“Today, we have 45 schools in Phnom Penh. We expose about 9600 kids directly to tennis and directly, we expose close to 25, 000 kids so we go into classes their at break times and we teach tennis, and we do that on weekly basis to each of the 45 schools in Phnom Penh,” he said.
Rithyvit continued to say that his federation also planed to conduct training for more Cambodian tennis coaches’ capacity building and players in the future. He said that TFC plans to organize Cham Prasidh’s Tennis Cup 2010 on July15-24, 2010; Cambodia Open Cup 2010 in October; and the 15th Tep Khunnah Memorial Tennis Cup in the end of December 2010 in Phnom Penh. /


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