8th European Union Film Festival Holds in Cambodia


The Embassies of the European Union (EU) Member States and the Delegation of the European Union to Cambodia is in collaboration with the Centre Culturel Français (CCF) will organize the 8th European Union Festival 2010 under the scheme “the Role of Women in Society” from the 3rd to the 9th of May in Phnom Penh, aiming to present the EU films in Cambodia as well as to promote the EU value of culture and arts for the people in Cambodia.

A total of ten EU films including German film, Finish Film, French film, Polish film, Italian film, Spanish film, Dutch film, Portuguese film, British film, and Swedish film will be displayed publicly at the CCF’s cinema hall, at the Royal University of Phnom Penh, and Bottum Vadey pagoda in Phnom Penh from May 3-9.

Rafael Dochao Moreno, Charge’ d’ Affaires a.i. of the Delegation of the European Union to Cambodia, said that it is the first time for EU to organize the Film Festival under the scheme of the “the Role of Women in Society” in Cambodia.

The main purpose of the EU’s event was to promote the EU film playing as well as EU tradition, culture and arts in for the people in Cambodia. It is also to promote friendship and cooperation between EU and Cambodia in the future.

“The European Union is very pleased to present for the 8th EU Film Festival 2010 in Cambodia,” he told reporters at the press luncheon on the launch of the 8th Edition of the EU Film Festival on April 29th in Phnom Penh.

The main purpose of the festival is to present the European films for Cambodian people as well as to promote EU films playing, tradition, cultures and arts in Cambodia, he said, adding that another objective of the EU Film Festival is to celebrate the 60th Anniversary Year of the European Union, to raise and promote the role of women in the society of the world.

He emphasized that all EU films which will be played from May 3-9, 2010 in Phnom Penh will present about the value and wisdom of women in the each member states of the European Unions. They have shown their hard work, challenges and their successes in their lives.

“I hope that these films will influence Cambodian women in encouraging them to make their changes, participations and their roles in the society so that they can gain their rights as equal as men to work and develop the country in the future,” he said.

Regarding to the film festival entry, he said that the entry is free of charge for all people in Cambodia.

The European Commission is the executive body of the European Union. The European Commission has supported the rehabilitation and development of Cambodia since the signing of the Paris Peace Accord in 1991. The European Commission assistance is additional to that granted bilaterally by the individual EU member states, and covers a broad range of sectors, such as education, health, rural development, private sector development, administrative reform, and democratization and human rights. ///with pictures/ contact Nara///


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