National Radio To Promote Broadcasting Quality in Cities and Provinces


A total of 64 government officials who are the chief and deputy-chief’s of information departments from 24 cities and provinces, have attended a one-day workshop on “Strengthening Partnership between National Radio of Kampuchea (NRK) and Capital-Provincial Information Departments to Promote the Quality of Broadcasting” in Phnom Penh.

The workshop was organized by the National Radio of Kampuchea, which was funded by the World Bank, AusAid, and Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in order to promote the quality of NRK’s officials capacity and their broadcasting throughout the country.

H.E. Khieu Kanharith, Minister of Information, said that “the workshop was very important because it has helped the ministry to improve and strengthening the NRK’s officers’ capacity as well as their quality of broadcasting so that they will able to produce the faster and interesting news and reports for broadcasting, for the people of Cambodia in the future”.

The workshop has also directed all capital and provincial NRK officials to learn about the ministry’s objective as well as NRK’s guidelines to improve and promote their working activities, sourcing the news and contexts for broadcasting with the National Radio of Kampuchea so that the people will be aware and know clearly about the important news, education, life skills, government’s polices and other useful information.

“I noted that so far our NRK’s officials have already been working very hard and well in providing the good information for broadcasting with our state radio program but it needed to be improved on, and developed and strengthened due to the development of the new technologies in Cambodia. Therefore, I suggest all of you to cooperate and strengthen your capacity and quality of reporting in broadcasting to educate our people in Cambodia,” he said.

The Minister recommended all chiefs and deputy chiefs of the information departments to produce their reportages or broadcasting in accordance with government’s policies and good governance in contributing to the sustainable development, peace, security, political stability, public orders, and pluralism democracy in Cambodia. He also distributed 40 computers and other materials to all 24 capital-provincial information departments so that they can use them for their working activities in producing and broadcasting for their listeners in the future. ///


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