Russian Week of Cinema Celebrated in Phnom Penh


The Russian Week of Cinema will be conducted for five days from the 20th to the 24th of October 2009 in Phnom Penh, aiming to exchange and promote the culture and good relation between the two countries.

The Russian Week of Cinema is organized by the Russian Ministry of Culture and Stellar Film Company, in collaboration with Cambodian Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Cambodia and Russian Correspondent Office in charge of International Humanitarian Cooperation for Cambodia. The cinema festival will be presided over by the Minister of Culture and Fine Arts Him Chhem and Russian Ambassador to Cambodia.

Dilyara Ravilova Borovik, First Secretary of the Russian Federation Embassy in Cambodia, said that it is the second time that the Embassy of the Russian Federation has organized the cinema festival in Cambodia. She said the purpose of the festival is to promote good friendship and exchange the cultures between the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Russian Federation in the future.

“The Embassy of the Russian Federation is very proud to organize the Russian Cinema Festival for the people in Cambodia. This cinema festival aims to exchange traditional culture and arts between Cambodia and Russia. We do hope that many Cambodian people will be enjoyed it and through these cultural event, we will able to promote good relations and friendship between our two countries in future,” she told reporters at a press conference on October 14.

The First Secretary emphasized that to promote cultural exchange between the two countries; Russia will continue to organize this event every year in Cambodia. She added that to improve Cambodian’s cinema industry, the Russian Federation will be providing Russian technical assistance and financial support to the Cambodian Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts in future.

Kolesor Sergeiy, Director of the Russian Center for Cinema and Culture, said that the Russian cinema festival also aimed to mark the 65th Anniversary of the World War II, the Russian Historical Day and World Humanity Day, which will be held in Russia in 2010. He said that the festival will also help Cambodian government in developing and improving Cambodian films industry in future.

According to schedule, there are a total of five stories will be playing at the Russian Cultural Center and Chaktomuk Theatre in Phnom Penh from the 20th to the 24th of October 2009. The five Russian stories included: Back in Time, Fatherland or Death, Franz and Polina, Four Taxi Drivers and a Dog, and the Star. All stories describe the feeling of humanity, loves, sincerity, and the generosity of Russian soldiers. The cinema will start at 6:00 pm and entry is free for all Cambodian people and foreign nationals living in Cambodia.

Sin Chan Saya, Director of the Films Department in the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts (MoCFA), appreciated with the celebration of Russian Week of Cinema in Cambodia. He said the Russia is a former friend of Cambodia. In 1980s, Russia helped Cambodia a lot in all sectors including culture and film industry. He continued to say that in 1990s, the relationship between Cambodia and Russia have been declined due to the cold war and financial crisis in Russia.

“As a Cambodian filmmaker I am very happy with the Russian Week of Cinema in Cambodia. I think that this festival is a re-starting of cooperation and friendship between the Kingdom of Cambodian and the Russian Federation in Future,” he said.

Chan Saya added that to promote cooperation and friendship especially cultural exchange between the two countries, his film department will produce joint Cambodian-Russian film productions in Cambodia in future.


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