Government Takes Actions Against Overloaded Trucks


Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen has called on the Ministers of Public Works and Transport, Ministry of Commerce and other relevant ministries, to work together and take strict action against to heavily loaded trucks which to maintain and protect roads from damage.

Overloaded trucks, sometimes with a cargo load of up to 100 tons, have been a common site on Cambodian roads. Especially the roads from the border into Phnom Penh had to endure a lot of over packed truck carrying building materials into the capital. Because of this many roads and bridges have suffered damage, endangering the road safety.

The Prime Minister stated: “I would like to warn the entire public that the destruction of our roads and bridges due to overloading must stop straight away. Trucks that will continue to overload will be confiscated and their companies will be put on suspension or shut down. Hun Sen made these statements at the opening of the Cambodian-Chinese Friendship Bridge in Prek Kdam commune, Kandal province on September 14.

To prevent corruption the Prime Minister stated that controls should not only take place on the roads, but should be implemented at the companies, warehouses and points of loading. Hun Sen compared the crack down on overloading to the measurements taken against illegal gambling in the past few months. The Prime Minister stated: “I think that the best way to resolve the problem with the overloaded truck is not to just sit en blow smoke, but to put out the fire immediately. Much like we have down when we put a hold on illegal gambling activities. With the example of that action in mind, we have to work effectively together to prevent road damage.

Tram Iv Tek, Minister of Public Work and Transport, said that according his ministry’s report, since the establishment of Royal Government of Cambodia in 1993, many roads, water irrigation systems, dams, infrastructure and bridges, have been constructed in Cambodia. He continued to say that there has been made a lot of infrastructural improvements. “To maintain these roads and bridges as well as promoting the road safety in Cambodia, the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce and other relevant ministries and institutes will be educating people to take care of roads and bridges,” he said.

He added that his ministry in collaboration with local authorities in cities and provinces will stop the heavy trucks or overloaded trucks from driving around in Cambodia.


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