NiDA takes strides in the computerization of government functions.


In an effort to computerize all government functions NiDA (National Information Communications Technology Development Authority) has announced on August 5 to start implementing PAIS (Provincial Administration Information System). This system will allow the automatic registration of residents, vehicles and real estate on a provincial level.

Dr. Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in charge of the Council of Ministers stated that the new system will help to control and speed up the government’s officials works in the future. The Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Sok An further stated, “Besides automation this system will promote working transparency, and increase the efficiency and productivity of the government’s officials and workers in all cities and provinces throughout the Kingdom of Cambodia.”

The NiDa has been working on the computerization of the works of the Cambodian government since 2002. In 2004 the first step of the computerization of the government was completed. This part of the project was called; GAIS (Government Administration Information System). The goals and aims are similar to PAIS’s but aimed at the central government, whereas PAIS is aimed at provincial governments. The ultimate goal of NiDA is to achieve an efficient and paperless government, also referred to as e-Government. So far all ministries, the Nation Assembly, the Senate and all secretariats have created their own websites and can be contacted by email.

The main benefits of creating the e-government will be the enhancement of public services. Each ministry will be connected to the government central sever. Document processing will be done electronically. Also by registry of residents, vehicles and real estate the government will be able to fairly and properly collect road, real estate and income taxes.

According to NiDA’s plan the project will be completely finished by the end of 2010. Dr. Sok An stated that by then the project will have cost a total of US$30 million.

Phu Leewood, Secretary General of NiDA stated, “It is my hope that after the completion of the PAIS project, all government officers will be able to carry out their responsibilities more effective.” All city and provincial government workers will receive training in the future so they can make the most of the new systems.


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