Sampov Meas (Golden Ship) is a symbol of Pursat province.Construction of a giant model of such a ship is already completedand it now waits in the waters off the province for an offi cial opening ceremony. This is according to Chea Kheng, wife of Suy Sem, Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy.

Chea Kheng said that the construction of the symbol of Sampov Meas Island began on January 1, 2007, and reached completion on December 31, 2008. She said that the ship was 228 meters long and 50 meters wide andis surrounded by trees, lotus branches and rivers.

She continued that there are also many apartments on the island, with glorious vistas concealing temples, bridges, electricity pylons, benches, toilets and gardens. It is hoped that they will attract visitors in their thousands. “The main purpose of the construction is to develop Pursat province which is my husband’s birth place and to attract national and international tourists to see the place,” she said.” Another objective of the Sampov Measconstruction is to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of January 7, 2009 commonly referred to as the second life of the Cambodian people.”

The lady hinted that to build the symbol of the ship and develop thesurrounding area, she and her husband had spent around US$ 1 million in construction. She said that the offi cial inauguration ceremony will be held on the 7th January 2009 under the auspices of Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minster of the Royal Government of Cambodia and his wife Madam Bun Rany.

Mao San, Chief of the Industry, Mines and Energy Offi ce in Pursat province, said that he appreciated the symbol of Sampov Meas Island and other achievements built by the Minister Suy Sem and the Cambodian government.

San said that the island construction will be responsible for a new and beautiful face for Pursat province. He also said that the island will also generate more jobs for the people there.

“Iam overjoyed by this achievement and I have high hopes that it will bring progress to my province,” he said. “I believe that from now the Island will become one of most attractive places for national and international visitors in Pursat. It will attract more tourists in future, of that I have no doubt.”

He continued, “I think that the Island will be welcomed by our people as a whole. I also hope that with this construction, provincial development activities and other achievements made by Cambodian government and people will generate more income to support families and to improve living-
conditions in Pursat.” (CW)


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